Get in Touch with Us Today!

Contact Guernsey Dental Labortory to learn more about the wide variety of custom-fitted mouthguards available. Each are specifically designed to your fit and your level of sport participation. Each mouthguard can be custom designed.


Guernsey Dental Laboratory

1 Temple View

Route des Camps

St. Martins

Guernsey GY4 6AA

United Kingdom

Phone: 01481 233393 

How to Find US...

Guernsey Dental Laboratory is located at One Temple View, Route des Camps, in St. Martins, Guernsey, UK. For more specific information, please phone us at 01481 233393, email us at, or use our contact form. Someone will be sure to reply to your query as quickly as possible if we are not available at the time of your call.


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Making an appointment:

Tel: 01481 233393


You can also use our contact form.


Guernsey Dental Laboratory

1 Temple View

Route des Camps

St. Martins

Guernsey GY4 6AA

United Kingdom


Tel.: 01481 233393


New internet access online

Our new website tells you all about our services. If you want to get in touch with us, phone us on 01481 233393 or use our contact form to make an appointment.

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